Dev Villas Guest House, Jodhpu

Welcome to Dev Villas Guest House , Jodhpur , India

When you stay at the DEV VILLAS Guest House, our friendly, knowledgeable staff helps you feel right at home. We've taken care of all the important details that make your stay a pleasure — comfortable beds and linens, attentive housekeeping, proper bath amenities, complimentary wireless Internet throughout the hotel.Situated at the heart of city which is approachable to all important locations. It offers a convenient access to all parts of the city by distance of 2 kms from railway station, 1 kms from bus stand and 3 kms from airport. Here you can experience a blend of modern comfort with traditional royal elegance. Dev Villas Guest House owns 10 rooms, single-bed and double-bed. Rooms are well decorated and furnished and well equipped with all basic facilities.

We also have rooms with fully equipped kitchen facilities. Self cooking is available for people who wants to stay for one month or long.One can also enjoy a full view of the Majestic Mehrangarh Fort and Royal Blue City from terrace.

The Dev Villas Guest House is run by a reputed rajput family of Jodhpur. The Heritage property is around 60 Year old. Col. Devpal Singh a veteran of the Indian Army commissioned through the prestigious Institution National Defence Academy is looking after the guest house. He is son of a reputed army officer of Jodhpur State Forces, Major Mod singh who have taken part in World War II.